Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Youth Festival at the MYC

Fifteen youth from the after-school program traveled to San Rafael on Dec. 5 to participate in the MYC's youth festival. With artwork and performances by youth from all over Marin County, a great time was had by all. We were proud to perform, got inspired, and even made some new friends.

Our dancers, drummers, basist, and flutist performed first. The students have been working on this piece for a few weeks during their weekly trips to the MYC on Wednesdays.

Students who have been working with Ken Doumbia performed some of their beats. Here you can see the audience in the background; it was a full house.

We were WOWed by the breakdancers! Photo by Andre

And we got to enjoy some really talented singers, rappers, and more. Thanks to all who made this a fun and special event.

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